On February 8, 2017 Pendletonians demonstrated against the Dakota Access Pipeline in front of Safeway on SW Court Ave., which has a Wells Fargo branch inside. The demonstrators encouraged those who passed by to divest from Wells Fargo. Management reported that the demonstrators were being peaceful and not harassing Wells Fargo customers or blocking traffic.
On Feb. 9 there was a #NoDapl sign making party at Sister’s Cafe. The event was organized by local resident Casey Brown, who stated that the intended purpose was to bring like-minded people together. Attendees could choose to either bring art supplies such as markers and poster board, or simply come and participate.
During the event it was made clear that while the pipeline may soon be completed, there will be other environmental issues that arise. Pendleton’s group says they will continue to protest not only national environmental issues, but local environmental issues as well.
On Feb. 11 the demonstrators were at Brownfield Park on SE Byers Ave. They marched south on the eastern side of Main Street until they reached the intersection of SE Frazier Ave. and S Main Street, where they crossed the street and marched north on the western side of Main Street. The demonstrators marched the circuit twice. The demonstrators again were not blocking traffic, choosing instead to follow the crossing signals.